Monday, October 15, 2012

Upcoming Laredo Events...

Laredo Life Pregnancy Center Annual Banquet

When: Friday October 19, 2012 - seating at 6:30 and complimentary dinner/program 7 - 8:30 PM
Where: Embassy Suites 110 Calle Del Norte
RSVP to Sandy Nava 956-285-2536

An opportunity to make a financial gift will be extended.  Come experience God's blessing through this ministry & learn how you can get involved. 


Stand for Religious Freedom Prayer Rally

When: Saturday October 20, 2012 at 5 PM
Where: Civic Center Gazebo 

Our hope is that Christians across the nation would come together in one mind & accord to learn about the issues that are threatening our religious freedom.  May we unite with reverent & repentant hearts, humbly asking our Father for mercy in His righteous judgement & draw us back to Himself and restore this nation for His glory. 

We pray that those who speak, would have grace filled speech, speaking as if our Lord Himself would address the hearers.  We pray that we, along with all the hearers would receive what is said in faith & be moved to humbly seek God,  turn from all things that are not pleasing to Him & instead choose to live our lives to please Him to Whom belongs the kingdom, all the power,  glory, honor & praise.

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