Saturday, January 22, 2011

Books Recycled to Instruct, Disciple, Guide & Educate

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot

Here's your opportunity to recycle those "used" books that are collecting dust on the bookshelf or in the attic! In doing so you can both bless someone with affordable Christian literature, AND help to support the Hope House ( boys' shelter in Jalisco, Mexico.

In an effort to provide others (who aren’t so blessed as we are) with “wise counselors” and “patient teachers”, we are collecting books for our nonprofit ministry book shop. The goal is to provide good quality used books that can be used to bless and instruct someone else. We are interested in all types of evangelical Christian literature such as books on Christian living, evangelism, family life, counseling, prayer, theology and doctrine, Christian biographies, Bible commentaries and dictionaries, discipleship, etc. We can use books in both English and Spanish.

We are also interested in other types of good literature for children and adults, such as educational books, biographies, classics, American history, and home-school materials.

BRIDGE Ministries of Laredo is a nonprofit ministry dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Laredo, TX and Mexico and equipping missionaries, pastors, and Christian workers with inexpensive Bibles and other Christian literature. Our second purpose is to produce a source of revenue for the Hope House boys' shelter in Mexico (, therefore we rely on your generosity and donated books to make this a reality.

If you have any books that you would like to donate, please send them to our collection points in Michigan: Vriesland Reformed Church/DenHartog, 6839 Byron Rd, Zeeland, MI 49464 OR Texas: Steve DenHartog, 317 Grosbeak St, Laredo, TX 78045.

If you have a large inventory of books available (too many to ship), let us know so that we can make arrangements to pick them up.

We are also interested in books that are overstocks from Christian publishers or bookstores, slightly damaged inventory, bulk auctions, etc.

If you have any questions, please email Steve: or call 956-489-1405.

Below is a list of suggested authors--the list is by no means comprehensive--books from any evangelical Christian authors are appreciated.

Suggested Authors: John MacArthur, Charles Swindoll, J. I. Packer, John Piper, A. W. Tozer, Joel R. Beeke, William Barclay, John Owen, John Calvin, Richard Baxter, R. C. Sproul, Ravi Zacharias, James C. Dobson, John Stott, Wayne Grudem, Sinclair Ferguson, D. Martin Lloyd-Jones, Francine Rivers, Arthur W. Pink, F. F. Bruce, Beth Moore, Henry T. Blackaby, Jonathon Edwards…