On our return trip back to San Juan Cosala, God determined that we needed traveling companions. They arrived in the form of a very friendly Mexican man named Gerado and his elderly mother. We were standing in one of the many lines waiting to get our visas and vehicle registration processed. Gerado was in line behind us, and asked us where we were going. He was so excited for us that we were in Mexico and seeing his beautiful country. He told us he was bringing his mother home to the state of Michoacan, and that it was three hours south of Guadalajara. He said it was, "the most beautiful state!" In the next line we contined talking and we shared that we actually lived in the Chapala area. He was really excited and said, "We should travel together!" He waited in the parking lot for us and said he would follow us. (Which we thought was a little strange since we are the gringos here.) So off we started, with their copper colored pick-up truck behind us. Each time we stopped for gas or a bathroom break, we'd talk a little more. We shared our cookies we had packed for the road and got to practice our new 'gustar' verb. "Te gustarian unas galletas?" (Would you like some cookies?)
Gerado shared with Steve that he had actually tried to cross the border in El Paso but had gotten 'freaked out' and had turned around and driven all the way back to Arizona and to the Nogales crossing. We knew what he meant. Border towns tend to be controlled chaos. He also did not have a map. Our first night we stopped in Ciudad Obregon. The next morning, Steve drove away with the kids to get some breakfast and I stayed at the room. I hear Gerado's frantic voice outside my door, "They have gone?" He knocks on our door. When I opened the door, the look of relief and joy on his face was priceless. When we finally parted ways, we prayed over them and gave them our map. They invited us to come visit them in Michoacan. His mother was so sweet; a typical short, round, huggable abuela. She smoothed her hair down and straightened her dress when we took their picture. She gave us all big hugs and kissed our cheeks. We were sorry to see them go. They were another "buen regalo" from God!